Five Centuries of History of Elsevier in the National Library of Russia:
from Book-printing to an Information Provider
The exhibition features a wide range of the current literature by the publisher on a variety of disciplines.
On display are more than 50 publications by Elsevier in such key economic areas as marketing, econometrics, microeconomics and macroeconomics, management of organizations and enterprises, sociology, international economic relations.
For instance, Finance Director's Handbook, 2008 introduces readers to extensive information on all types of financial operations that a Finance Director of a modern enterprise undertakes. Special sections of the reference manual are devoted to audit, cash flow management, corporate transactions, financial reporting, taxation and treasury. This publication is written by professionals for professionals so that the information was easily accessed, understood and used.
The economy in the world today is extremely complex. A large amount of information sources in printed and in electronic form give the modern users the opportunity to find any information without difficulty. The book Critical Management Perspectives on Information Systems, 2009 about important aspects of information systems covers the organizational issues of information systems in theory, method and practice. Combining the freshest and valuable contributions from leading researchers in this field, this book illustrates the diversity of approaches to critical research, presents practical examples and demonstrates the lessons learnt from applying a critical approach.
In a time of growing globalization and competition, many firms seek to achieve success in all aspects of economic activity. Some firms have all the necessary resources in place, while others are forced to consider collaborating with other companies. The purpose of the monograph Controlling Collaboration between Firms, 2008 is to explain the challenges that these new, collaborative forms of organisation generate with reference to how management control systems and accounting information exchanges are practised and designed at an inter-organisational level.
Elsevier has traditionally been regarded as the world's largest publisher of scientific and technical literature. Book production and information services by the publisher in this field of knowledge illustrate the most advanced and modern branch of engineering: information security, ecology of the environment, nanotechnology and energy.
As a direct result of human activities, thousands of inorganic and organic chemicals and their metabolites enter the the biosphere daily. Many of these chemicals bring serious damage to vulnerable species of natural resources, crops, livestock, and, most importantly, cause great harm to human health. The most dangerous of these environmentally harmful chemicals are the focus of Eisler's Encyclopedia of Environmentally Hazardous Priority Chemicals, 2007. For each group of chemicals, information is presented on physical and chemical properties, lethal and sublethal effects, their influence on survival, growth, reproduction, carcinogenicity, and teratogenicity. The book proposes normative criteria for the protection of sensitive natural and agricultural crops, animal and human health.
The exhibition pays attention to publications on information security in today's world, which is achieved through a mix of technical, organizational and legal measures. These may include the use of cryptography, the hierarchical modeling of organizations in order to assure confidentiality, or the distribution of responsibility among interested parties. The book History of Information Security, 2007 covers such subjects as computer security standards, viruses on the Internet, free software, and describes computer crimes, regulations for encryption software.
Elsevier does not avoid the most fashionable subject today - nanotechnology and their application in various fields of knowledge. In the monograph The World of Nano-biomechanics. Mechanical Imaging and Measurement by Atomic Force Microscopy, 2008, the Japanese researcher A. Ikai explores the physical properties of the life supporting structures from the molecular level with a special emphasis on their designs based on the mechanical strength and flexibility, membrane and other biological nanostructures. The book examines the mechanical features of proteins, DNA, cell membrane and other biological nanostructures. The monograph explains the basic concepts needed to understand and perform experimental work. The book Nanocomposite Structures and Dispersions. Science and Nanotechnology - Fundamental Principles and Colloidal Particles, /2007 / by Capek I. is concerned with the interesting field of nanoscience based on polymer and metal colloidal nanoparticles. It describes in detail terms, definitions, theories, experiments, and techniques dealing with synthesis of polymer and metal particles.
Today Elsevier is the world's largest publishing holding on medicine, which consolidate dozens of famous companies such as Academic Press, Churchill Livingstone, Mosby, Saunders etc. It produces about 7 million titles of handbooks and clinical guidelines, textbooks, atlases, and periodicals (mainly in English) embracing all areas of modern medical science, clinical practice and health services.
The Atlas of Cosmetic Surgery / Kaminger M. Atlas of Cosmetic Surgery with DVD, 2009 / covers a vast range of surgical and medical aspects of cosmetic dermatology: including laser resurfacing, chemical peels, blepharoplasty, hair transplantation, hair removal. Dr. Kaminger along with co-authors provided detailed descriptions of the most widely used techniques in today’s cosmetic dermatology with the help of high resolution photographs, numerous diagrams and charts. An accompanying DVD presents 60 step-by-step video clips demonstrating procedures described in the atlas.
Elsevier pays special attention to books on pediatrics. The exhibition includes several publications on this topic. The unique Atlas of Pediatric Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy with CD-ROM, 2008 offers the latest information on modern endoscopic approaches to pediatric surgery. A DVD, included in the atlas, contains 34 video clips of key endoscopic procedures. A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 2008 focuses on the very latest advances in the field of pharmacology, pediatric anesthesiology, pediatric calculators, the latest developments in the field of pediatric anesthesiology in the world.
The famous series of Frank Netter's books on medicine is represented in the exhibition by the publication Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2008, the pages of which give detailed information on the tactics of managing patients both in a well-equipped hospitals, and under conditions of restricted access to medical resources. 250 illustration in the handbook have clinical orientation and are very valuable for students and practitioners. All anatomical terms are given in Latin, according to International Anatomical Nomenclature.
Russian Translations
Since 2007, the publishing house Elsevier along with with Russia's leading medical publishers GEOTAR Media, MEDpress-Inform, MIA (Medical Information Agency), Prakticheskaya medicina (Practical Medicine), Logosphere, and others produced their key books in Russian. Chief domestic medical specialists and professors of Russian universities participate in the preparation of the books.
These publications are represented at the exhibition in the section "Russian Translations".

An ambitious project to translate the books of one of the most famous medical series by Elsevier Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology became possible in 2009 thanks to the professionalism of the publishing house Elsevier. Each book in this series is a practical guide to one of the areas of plastic surgery and cosmetology. An editor of each book is a prominent expert in the appropriate field. After getting acquainted with these publications, medical professionals will be able to carry out the procedure as described in the manuals. The exhibition features just some of the books in this series: Blepharoplasty, Hair Transplantation, Advanced Face Lifting, Treatment of Leg Veins, Chemical Peels, Liposuction, Botulinum. DVDs, demonstrating the techniques described in the text, are enclosed in most books of the series Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology.
The textbook Internal Medicine by Davidson /- M: Reed Elsiver, 2009-2010/ will be also interesting to readers. It was first published in 1952 and still remains relevant today. No less than 2 million copies of this book has been distributed worldwide. The manual has been translated into many languages and obtained the well-deserved recognition from the experts. The item on display at the exhibition is a translation of the English edition of the book Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine / ed. By Boon N, 2006/. The 20th edition of the famous textbook, composed by the outstanding physician of the twentieth century Sir Stanley Davidson more than 50 years ago, occupies a special place among frequently republished books of such kind.
The Russian edition of Internal Medicine consist of several volumes. They are systematicly arranged and include information on individual (therapeutic) medical specialties: cardiology, hematology, endocrinology, pulmonology, etc.
This book exhibition at the NLR, dedicated to the Elsevier famaly, shows only a tiny portion of books, periodicals and serials of this publishing house in foreign languages, received by the library through exchange or purchase for the entire period of the history of the publisher.
The holdings of the NLR contain publications relating to all periods of this history.
Organizers of the exhibition are the National Library of Russia, the publishing house Elsevier, the bookselling firm Konek.