Exhibition Catalogue
- Magazin aglinskih, frantsuzskih i nemetskih novyih mod... [Store of English, French and German New Fashion Clothes...] - Moscow, 1791
- Magazin obschepoleznyih znaniy i izobreteniy s prisovokupleniem Modnago zhurnala, raskrashennyih risunkov i muzyikalnyih not. [Store of Universally Useful Knowledge and Inventions with Enclosed Fashion Magazine...] - St. Petersburg, 1795
- Nastolnaya kniga dlya zapisi merok. Sostav. V. Retaler. [Directions for Taking Measurements. Composed by V. Retaler] - St. Petersburg, 1809
- Aglaia. - St. Petersburg, 1812, no.6
- Moskovskiy telegraf: Zhurnal literaturyi, kritiki, nauk i hudozhestv. [Moscow Telegraph: Magazine of Literature, Reviews, Sciences and Arts] - Moscow, 1825
- Zhurnal manufaktur i torgovli. [Journal of Manufactures and Commerce] - St. Petersburg, 1825, no.15
- Galateya: Zhurnal literaturyi, novostey i mod. [Galatea: Magazine of Literature, News, and Fashion]- Moscow, 1829
- Biblioteka dlya chteniya: Zhurn. slovesnosti, nauk, hudozhestv, promyishlennosti, novostey i mod, sost. iz lit. i uchenyih trudov. [Library for Reading: Magazine of Literature, Sciences, Arts, Industry, News and Fashion...] - St. Petersburg, 1834, no.45
- Moskovskiy telegraf: Zhurnal literaturyi, kritiki, nauk i hudozhestv. [Moscow Telegraph: Magazine of Literature, Reviews, Sciences and Arts] - Moscow, 1834
- Vestnik parizhskih mod. [Bulletin of Paris Fashion] - Moscow, 1836, no.30
- Magazin damskih i muzhskih mod na 1843 god: Ezhened. izd. [Store of Ladies' and Men's Clothes: Weekly Publication], 1843
- Listok dlya svetskih lyudey. [Sheet for People of Society] - St. Petersburg, 1843
- Girlyanda: Zhurnal noveyshih obraztsov dlya shitya, vyishivaniya na kanke i v tambur, vyikroek, uzorov i poslednih Peterburgskih i Parizhskih mod. [Garland: Magazine of the Newest Patterns for Sewing, Embroidery Designs and the Latest Petersburg and Paris Fashion] - St. Petersburg, 1846-54
- Sovremennik: Zhurnal lit. i polit. [Contemporary: Magazine of Literature and Politics] - St. Petersburg, 1848
- Severnyiy tsvetok: Zhurn. mod, iskusstv i hoz. [Northern Flower: Magazine of Fashion, Arts and Housekeeping ] - St. Petersburg, 1855-1856
- Vaza: Zhenskiy lit. i rukodelno-modnyiy ill. zhurnal [Vase: Women's Illustrated Magazine], 1856, January, no.1
- Merkuriy mod: Zhurn. dlya svetskih obschestv. [Mercury of Fashion: Magazine for High Societies] - St. Petersburg, 1858, no.5
- Sandrilona [Cendrillon] - St. Petersburg, 1858, no.2
- Severnyiy tsvetok: Zhurn. mod, iskusstv i hoz. [Northern Flower: Magazine of Fashion, Arts and Housekeeping ] - Saint Petersburg, 1859
- Russkoe bogatstvo: Zhurn. torgovli, prom., zemledeliya i estestvoznaniya. [Russian Wealth: Journal of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Nutural Science] - St. Petersburg, 1876, no.29
- Modyi i rukodelya: Ill. zhurn. dlya dam [Fashion and Needlework: Illustrated Ladies' Magazine] - St. Petersburg, 1876, no.1
- Parizhskie muzhskie modyi: Ezhemes. modnyiy zhurn [Paris Men's Fashion: Monthly Fashion Magazine] - St. Petersburg, 1878, no.5
- Modyi. Spetsialnyiy zhurnal dlya muzhskogo i damskogo belya [Fashion. Special Magazine for Men's and Women's Underwear] - St. Petersburg, 1878, no.3
- Parizhskie modyi: Bespl. pril. k zhurn. Russkoe bogatstvo [Paris Fashion: Supplement to the Russian Wealth] - Moscow, 1879, no.1-2
- Illyustrirovannyiy mir: Lit.-polit. i hudozh. zhurn. [Illustrated World: Literary, Politics and Art Magazine] - St. Petersburg, 1881, № 8
- Novyiy russkiy bazar: Ill. damskiy zhurn [New Russian Bazaar: Illustrated Ladies' Magazine] - St. Petersburg, 1881
- Modnyiy magazin [Fashion Store] - St. Petersburg, 1882, no.1
- Raduga. Pribavlenie mod k zhurnalu "Raduga" [ Rainbow: Fashion Supplement to the Magazine of the Same Name]- Moscow, 1884, no.9
- Vestnik modyi: ill. zhurn. modyi, hozyaystva i literatury [Fashion Bulletin: Illustrated Magazine of Fashion, Housekeeping and Literature] - St. Petersburg, 1885
- Pedagogicheskiy listok Zadushevnogo slova: Ill. zhurnal vospitaniya i obucheniya [Pedagogical Sheet to the Cordial Word: Magazine of Parenting and Education ] - St. Petersburg, 1886, no.18
- Biblioteka Vestnika modyi: prilozhenie k zhurnalu Vestnik Modyi [Library of the Fashion Bulliten: Supplement to the Fashion Bulletin] - St. Petersburg, 1889
- Vestnik modyi dlya modistok: Per. luchshego parizhsk. zhurn. "La Modiste universelle" [Fashion Bulletin for Milliners: Translation of the best Parisian journal "La Modiste universelle"] - St. Petersburg, 1889
- Vestnik modyi dlya portnih: Ill. zhurn. modyi [Fashion Bulletin for Dressmakers: Illustrated Fashion Magazine] - St. Petersburg, 1894
- Modnyiy kurer: Zhurn. modyi hoz. i literaturyi [Fashion Kurier: Illustrated Magazine of Fashion, Housekeeping and Literature] - St. Petersburg, 1899
- Modnyiy kurer: Zhurn. modyi hoz. i literaturyi [Fashion Kurier: Illustrated Magazine of Fashion, Housekeeping and Literature] - St. Petersburg, 1900, January, no. 1
- Detskie modyi [Children's Fashion], 1901, April, no.1
- Modnaya pochta: Prof. damskiy zhurn. Hudozh.-il. ezhemes. izd. mod, rukodeliy, hoz-va [Fashion Mail: Prof. Ladies' Magazine. Art Illustrated Monthly Periodical of Fashion, Needlework, Housekeeping] - Moscow, 1903, no.1
- Detskie platya i belyo [Children's Clothes and Underwear] - St. Petersburg, 1905, no.2
- Modnyiy kurer: Izd. dlya portnih [Fashion Kurier: Publication for Dressmakers] - St. Petersburg, 1905
- Domashnyaya portniha: Remeslennyiy i lit. ezhemes. zhurnal [Home Dressmaker: Monthly Magazine of Literature and Needlework] - Moscow, 1906, no.2
- Modnaya masterskaya: Zhurn. mod noveyshih izyaschnyih parizhskih modeley platev [Fashion Workshop: Fashion Magazine of the Latest Elegant Paris Dresses] - St. Petersburg, 1906-1907
- Modnyiy albom damskih i detskih platev. [Fashion Album of Ladies' and Children's Dresses] - St. Petersburg, 1908, Spring-Summer
- Parizhanka: Modnyiy zhurn. [Paris Woman: Fashion Magazine] - St. Petersburg, 1909, no.9
- Damskiy mir. [Ladies' World] - St. Petersburg, 1909-1917
- Dzhentelmen i modyi. [Gentleman and Fashion] - St. Petersburg, 1912, Spring-Summer
- Parizhskie modyi. [Paris Fashion] - Warsaw, 1912, March
- Novosti parizhskih mod. [News of Paris Fashion] - Moscow, 1914, no.18
- E. Bel, Kurs kroyki platev i belya. [Dress and Lingerie Making Course], Vilna, 1914
- Modnyiy svet: Ill. zhurn. dlya dam [Fashion Society: Illustrated Ladies' Magazine], 1915, January, no.1
- Niva: Ill. zhurn. literaturyi, politiki i sovrem. zhizni. [Grainfield: Illustrated Magazine of Literature, Politics and Present-day Life] - St. Petersburg, 1915-1917
- Angliyskaya domashnyaya portniha [English Home Dressmaker] - St. Petersburg, 1915
- Zhurnal dlya hozyaek [Magazine for Housekeepers] - Moscow, 1922, no.1-5
- Zhurnal dlya hozyaek[Magazine for Housekeepers] - Moscow, 1923, no.1-6
- Atele. [Atelier] - Moscow, 1923, no.1
- Novosti Modyi: Hudozhestvennyiy ezhemes. zhurn. poslednih parizhskih mod [Fashion News: Arts Monthly Magazine of the Latest Paris Fashion] - Moscow, 1923, no.1
- Poslednie modyi: Zhurnal dlya zhenschin. Albom noveyshih inostr. mod [Latest Designs: Women's Magazine. Album of the Latest Foreign Fashion] - Leningrad, 1923, Spring
- Modyi [Fashion] - Moscow, 1924, no.1
- Modyi [Fashion] - Moscow, 1927, no.1-6
- Chetyire sezona. Listok zhenschinyi. Prilozhenie k zhurn. "30 dney" [Four Seasons. Sheet for a Woman. Supplement to the Magazine "30 Days"] - Moscow, 1927, no.1-4
- Iskusstvo odevatsya: Bespl. pril. k zhurn. "Krasnaya panorama" [Art of Dressing. Free Supplement to the Magazine "Red Panorama"] - Leningrad, 1929, no.1-8
- Zhenskiy zhurnal [Women's Magazine] - Moscow, 1930, no.1
- Modyi sezona [Fashion of the Season] - Moscow, 1930, no.2, Summer
- Modyi sezona [Fashion of the Season] - Moscow, 1931, no.1, Spring
- Modeli damskoy verhney odezhdyi i platya. Opyitno-tehn. fabrika tresta "Moskvoshvey", VNIShL i tresta "Mosbele". [Models of Ladies' Coats and Dresses. Spring-Summer 1934] - Moscow, 1934
- Modeli zhenskogo i detskogo platya. Proizvodstvennyiy albom dlya shveynyih predpriyatiy gospromyishlennosti i promkooperatsii, vyipolnyayuschih individualnyie zakazyi. Gos. trest "Mosbele". [Models of Women's and Children's Dressy Clothing. Winter 1934-35] - Moscow, 1934, no.2
- Modeli platya i belya dlya individualnogo poshiva. Gos. trest "Mosbele. [Models of Dresses and Underwear for Bespoke Tailoring] - Moscow, 1934, Spring
- Albom modeley odezhdyi shveynoy promyishlennosti RSFSR. [Album of Clothing of the Garment Industry of the RSFSR] - Moscow, 1935
- Dom modeley. [Fashion House] - Moscow, 1936
- Modyi. [Fashion] - Moscow, 1936, no.1-4
- Zhurnal mod / Dom modeley tresta Leningradodezhda. Vesna-leto(1937). [Fashion Magazine of the Fashion House of the Leningrad Сlothing Trust. Spring and Summer 1937]. - Leningrad, 1937
- Moskovskiy dom modeley. [Moscow Fashion House] - Moscow, 1938, no.1
- Modeli sezona. [Clothes of the Season] - Moscow, 1937, no.4
- Modeli sezona. [Clothes of the Season] - Moscow, 1939, no.4
- Osen, zima 1939-40. [Autumn/ Winter 1939-40] - Minsk, 1939
- Kostyum i palto. [Suits and Coats] - Moscow, 1940, no.2
- Modyi 1940-1941. [Fashion 1940-1941] - Moscow, 1940, no.2
- Albom modeley verhnego platya, prinyatyih na vsesoyuznom prosmotre. [Album of Models of Coats Approved at the All-Union Show] - Moscow, 1945
- Zhurnal mod / M-vo prom. tovarov shirokogo potrebleniya SSSR. [Fashion Magazine of the Ministry of Industrial Consumer Goods of the USSR] - Moscow, 1945-1948
- Albom mod / M-vo prom. tovarov shirokogo potrebleniya RSFSR. Glavshveyprom. Sverdlovsk. dom modeley. [Fashion Album. Autumn/Winter 1953-54 Season/ Ministry of Industrial Consumer Goods of the USSR ] - Sverdlovsk, 1953
- Albom mod / M-vo prom. tovarov shirokogo potrebleniya RSFSR. Glavshveyprom. Sverdlovsk. dom modeley. [Fashion Album. Spring/Summer 1954 Season/ Ministry of Industrial Consumer Goods of the USSR] - Sverdlovsk, 1953
- Albom mod / M-vo prom. tovarov shirokogo potrebleniya RSFSR. Glavshveyprom. Sverdlovsk. dom modeley. [Fashion Album. Spring/Summer 1955 Season/ Ministry of Industrial Consumer Goods of the USSR] - Sverdlovsk, 1954
- Modyi 1956-1957. [Fashion 1956-1957] - Moscow, GUM (State Department Store), 1957
- Modeli platya i shlyap. [Models of Dresses and Hats] - Moscow, 1957
- Modeli zhenskogo i detskogo legkogo platya / Sovet promyislovoy kooperatsii RSFSO. Opyitno-tehn. shveynaya laboratoriya. [Models of Women's and Children's Dressy Clothing], 1957, no.1
- Modyi dlya molodezhi / M-vo torgovli SSSR. GUM. [Youth Fashions / Ministry of Trade of the USSR. GUM (State Department Store)]- Moscow, 1957
- [Fashion] - Moscow, 1957
- Albom modeley odezhdyi = Apgerbu modelu albums / Upr. legkoy prom. SNH Latviyskoy SSR. Rizhskiy dom modeley. [Album of Models of Clothes 1957-1958. Riga Fashion House] - Riga, 1957
- Monityor: Modnyiy zhurnal. [Moniteur: Fashion Magazine] - Leningrad, 1960, no.4
- 50 modeley GUM'a / Glavtorg Mosgorispolkoma. GUM. [50 Models of Clothes in the GUM (Moscow State Department Store)] - Moscow, 1960, no.4
- Modezs Zurnals, 1961
- Na kazhdyiy den / Obschesoyuz. dom. modeley Upr. shveynoy prom. Mosgorispolkoma. [Every Day / All-Union Fashion House] - Moscow, 1961
- Moda i mir: Ezhegod. il. izd. Gos. kom. po leg. prom-sti pri Gosplane SSSR. Moda stran sotsializma. [Fashion and World. Fashion of the Socialist Countries] - Moscow, 1964
- Albom modeley odezhdyi s chertezhami kroya / Leningr. dom modeley. Upr. shveynoy prom. Lengorispolkoma. [Album of Clothes with Patterns for each Design / Leningrad Fashion House] - Leningrad, 1965
- Zhenschina: Albom mod / Glav. upr. torgovli Mosgorispolkoma. Mosk. tsentr. univermag. [Woman: Fashion Album] - Moscow, 1967
- Novaya kollektsiya modeley Leningradskogo doma modeley odezhdyi. [New Collection of Clothes of the Leningrad Fashion House] - Leningrad, 1970
- Moda / Leningradskiy dom modeley Upr. shveynoy prom-sti. [Fashion / Leningrad Fashion House] - Leningrad, 1972-73
- Moda / Leningradskiy dom modeley Upr. shveynoy prom-sti. [Fashion / Leningrad Fashion House] - Leningrad, 1973
- Moda / Leningradskiy dom modeley Upr. shveynoy prom-sti. [Fashion / Leningrad Fashion House]- Leningrad, 1974, no.7
- Moda, 81. [Fashion, 81] - Moscow, 1981
- [Burda moden], 1897, no.2
- Novyie modeli: Katalog / M-vo byit. obsluzh. naseleniya USSR. Resp. dom modeley. [Latest Dress Designs: Catalogue of the Republic Fashion House] - Kiev, 1987, vol.3
- Moda. [Fashion] - Moscow, 1989, no.3
- Fashion World: Spesial Issue Published in Russian, Paris, Milan, 1989-90
- Inter Styler, Czechoslovakia, 1990.
- Kuznetskiy most, 14 / Obschesoyuz. dom modeley odezhdyi. [Kuznetsk Bridge, 14 / All-Union Fashion House] - Moscow, 1993
- PraMo - Moscow, 1993, no.1
- Moskovskiy stil. [Moscow Style], 1994, no.2
- Bazar. [Bazaar] - Moscow, 1996, March-April
- Burda - Moscow, 1997, no. 5
- Burda special - Moscow, 1998
- Zolushka shet [Cinderella Sews] - St. Petersburg, 1998, no.1
- VOGUE Russia - Moscow, 1998, September, no.1
- [BOUTIQUE Special - Moscow, 2000
- [Atele Rundshau] - Moscow, Special Issue, 2001
- [Atele Rundshau] - Moscow, 2001, no.2
- Rabochaya odezhda i sredstva individualnoy zaschityi. [Work Clothing and Personal Protective Equipment]- St. Petersburg, May 2002, no.2(14)
- Uniform = Uniforma: Prof. odezhda i obuv: Zhurn. o prof. i stil. odezhde, obuvi i aksessuarah. [Uniform. Professional Clothing and Footwear], - Moscow, 2003, no.1(4)