On March 25–28, 2025, in Saint Petersburg to be held the XV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Library Collections in the Digital Era: Traditional and Electronic Resources, Acquisition and Use”.
Forum Hosts: National Library of Russia and Russian Library Association.
Venue: National Library of Russia, New Building, Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky Pr., 165, Bldg 2.
Specialists in the field of library collection acquisition, bibliography, information, other library specialists, publishers, aggregators of electronic resources, representatives of library partner companies are invited to take part. Participation may be in person or remote.
Main topics and issues for discussion:
Domestic and foreign electronic resources development to support science and education
Expert meeting of the Association of Producers and Users of Educational Electronic Resources (APPOER)
(sessions to be held in the form of plenary discussions)
Current issues in practice of acquisition and use of scientific library collections
New developments in legal and regulatory framework for formation of library collections
Formation of library collections for municipal model libraries
Exhibition of information and publishers’ products, as well as library equipment is to be held within the frame of the Conference.
Terms for participation in the Conference and Exhibition: No registration fee is charged to representatives of libraries and budgetary institutions. Travel expenses shall be paid at the expense of the seconding party.
Registration of participants is open at the NLR website until March 14, 2025,
registration of participants with report/presentation until March 3, 2025.
The registration fee for companies, publishers, aggregators and commercial company representatives is 2,200 rubles for each company participant; for small publishing houses and companies, 2200 rubles (for several participants from the same company).
To register for participation in the Exhibition, it is required, in accordance with the public offer for terms of participation in professional events of the Conference and Exhibition (see Appendix 1), to fill out an application agreement, an application for participation in the exhibition catalog, a registration form for each participant from the company (participant’s registration form).
The deadline to submit Applications for participation in the exhibition is March 6, 2025.
The Conference Program will be posted on the Conference website
It is planned to webcast the Conference and to post presentations and video records of speeches on the Conference website.
Based on the results of the conference, it is planned to publish the Conference proceedings in electronic format (presentation, video records of the speech, text of the report in PDF format) (see Appendix 2). The deadline to submit the materials for publication is April 30, 2025.
Please read thoroughly the requirements for the publications. Together with the text of the article, a scan of the completed acceptance shall be sent with its original being sent later.
The Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to select reports and presentations to be included into the Conference Program and Proceedings.
For general and program questions, please contact:
191069, St. Petersburg, Sadovaya ul., 18
NLR Library Collection Division of the Scientific and Methodological Department
Eidemiller Irina Vsevolodovna
Tel.: (812)718-86-13
e-mail: niobf@nlr.ru
NLR Acquisitions Department
Petrusenko Tatyana Viktorovna
Minkova Tatyana Erastovna
Bakhorin Aleksandr Alekseevich
Tel.: (812) 310-81-73, (812) 718-86-54, (812) 318-94-42
E-mail: minkova@nlr.ru, aab@nlr.ru
For questions regarding participant registration:
NLR Information and Bibliographic Department
Braunova Elena Valerievna
Tel.: (812) 310-24-03
e-mail: braunova@nlr.ru
For questions regarding the participation of publishing houses and companies in the Conference
Eidemiller Irina Vsevolodovna,
Tel.: (812)718-86-13
e-mail: i.eidemiller@nlr.ru