Visa Support
All foreign guests are required to have entry visas to travel to the Russian Federation. A visa to the Russian Federation is a document permitting you to stay in Russia for a specific period of time.
We suggest to you three ways of obtaining a Russian visa:
- Through a travel agency in your country.
- Through the National Library of Russia (please contact Elena Bokhonskaya: ). The NLR is eligible to provide visa
support to official guests. If you choose to use the NLR service, please send the
following documents and information:
- Scanned copy of your current passport. Your passport should be valid for a minimum of six months after the expiration date of the Russian visa and have at least one blank page.
- Your current position, place of work and its full mailing address.
- Your home address.
- Dates of your stay in Russia (entry/exit dates).
- Name and address of the Russian Consulate or Embassy where you are going to apply for a visa.
- Your e-mail address.
- If other members of your family are traveling with you, please do the following:
- for under age children - indicate his/her name and age,
- for adults - fill out all documents and requirements listed above .
Please note, that processing of visa support and delivery of the official letter of invitation from the NLR may take more than a month. We recommend that you send your visa support request to the NLR no later than August, 1 2008. This service has a fee of 200 rbls, which you will have to pay the NLR during registration.
- Through hotels in St. Petersburg. (See: Accommodations)
More information on Russian visas: