On the page, you will find printed catalogues of some Manuscript Collections preserved in the Manuscripts Department of the National Library of Russia, mostly in Russian.
Vadkovsky A.V., Porfiryev I. Ya., Krasnoseltsev I.F. Opisanie rukopisej Soloveckogo monastyrya. Ch. 1. (A Description of the Manuscripts of the Solovetsky Monastery. Part 1). Kazan, 1881.
Pinner. Prospectus der der Odessaer Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Alterthümer gehörenden ältesten hebräischen und rabbinischen Manuscripte. Odessa, 1845.
Catalogue des manuscrits et xylographes orientaux de la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St.Pétersbourg / [Ed. par B.A.Dorn]. SPb, 1852.
Dorn B. Die Sammlung von morgenländische Handschriften welche die Kaiserliche öffentliche Bibliothek zu St. Petersburg im Jahre 1864 von Hrn. v. Chanykov erworben hat. St. Petersburg, 1865.
Catalog der herbaischen und samaritanischen Handschriften der Kais. Offentlichen Bibliothek in St. Petersburg. SPb., 1875.
Bd.1: Catalog der hebraischen Bibelhandschriften der Kais. Offentlichen Bibliothek in St.Petersburg / Von A. Harkavy und H.L.Strack.
Bd. 2: Opisanie samarityanskih rukopisej, hranyashchihsya v Imp. Publichnoj biblioteke: Opisanie pergam. rukopisej samarityan. Pyatiknizhiya i per. k nemu: Varianty k samarityan. Targumu / Sost. A.Ya. Garkavi. (A Description of Samaritan Manuscripts Held in the Imp. Public Library: A Description of Parchment Manuscripts of the Samaritans. Pentateuch and transl. to it: Variants to the Samaritan Targum/ Comp. A. Ja. Garkavi).
Turaev B.A. Efiopskie rukopisi v S.-Peterburge. (Ethiopian Manuscripts in St. Petersburg). St.Petersburg, 1906.
Katalog indijskih rukopisej Rossijskoj publichnoj biblioteki: Sobranie I.P. Minaeva i nekotorye drugie / Sost. N.D. Mironov. Petrograd, 1918. Vyp.1. (A Catalogue of Indian Manuscripts of the Public Library of Russia: The collection of I.P. Minaev and some others / Comp. N.D. Mironov). Petrograd, 1918. Issue 1.
Persidskie i tadzhikskie rukopisi Gosudarstvennoj publichnoj biblioteki imeni M.E, Saltykova-Shchedrina: Alfavitnyj katalog. Vyp. 1-2. / Sost. G.I. Kostygova. (Persian and Tajik manuscripts of the M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library: Alphabetical catalogue. Vol. 1-2. / Comp. G.I. Kostygova). Leningrad, 1988–1989.
A handlist of Judeo-Arabic manuscripts in Leningrad: A tentative handlist of Judeo-Arabic manuscripts in the Firkovich collеctions / Comp. by P.B. Fenton. Jerusalem, 1991.
Man'chzhurskie rukopisi i ksilografy Gosudarstvennoj Publichnoj biblioteki im. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina: Cist. kat. / Sost. K.S. Yahontov (Manchu Handwritten and Woodblock Books of the State Public Library named after M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin: System. cat. / Comp. K.S. Yakhontov). Leningrad, 1991.
Samarityanskie dokumenty Gosudarstvennoj publichnoj biblioteki imeni M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina: Kat. / Sost. L. H. Vil'skerSamaritan Documents of the M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library: Cat. / Comp. L. H. Vilsker. St.Petersburg, 1992.
Kitajskie rukopisi i ksilografy Publichnoj biblioteki: Sist. kat. / Sost. K.S. YahontovChinese Handwritten and Woodblock Books in the Public Library: Syst. cat. / Comp. K.S. Yakhontov). Leningrad, 1993.
Efiopskie rukopisi v sobraniyah Sankt-Peterburga: Kat. / Sost. V.M. Platonov.(Ethiopian Manuscripts in the Collections of St. Petersburg: Cat. / Comp. V.M. Platonov). St.Petersburg, 1996.
Yastrebova O.M. Persidskie i tadzhikskie dokumenty v Otdele rukopisej Rossijskoj nacional'noj biblioteki: Sist. kat. (Persian and Tajik Documents in the Manuscripts Department of the Russian National Library: Syst. cat.). St.Petersburg, 1999.
Abramovich D. I. Sofijskaya biblioteka. Vyp. 1. (The Saint Sophia Cathedral's Library. Vol. 1). St.Petersburg, 1905.
Abramovich D. I. Sofijskaya biblioteka. Vyp. 2. (The Saint Sophia Cathedral's Library. Vol. 2). St.Petersburg, 1907.
Abramovich D. I. Sofijskaya biblioteka. Vyp. 3. (The Saint Sophia Cathedral's Library. Vol. 3). St.Petersburg, 1910.