Remote user services

The Legislative Information Center of the National library of Russia provides services for remote users.

Contact information

Address: 18 Sadovaya Street, St.-Petersburg, 191069, Russia

Free Services

You can get information about availability of a document in the legal databases, source of publication, status of a document. Please contact us by e-mail, giving details of the document you are looking for.


Paid Services

Materials needed for your research can be ordered for a fee. Please note that Russian legislation is only available in Russian language. Before submitting a request, please check the  Resources option.

You can pay through the NLR online shop. Prices are calculated in accordance with the price-list of the NLR (in Russian).

To order materials:

1. Send an e-mail to

2. Describe the content of your information request.

3. We inform you about the price of your order and the time to completion.

4. Register in the NLR online shop here.

5. Fill in online order form. Only the field title is required.

6. Make a payment.

7. We send you requested materials by e-mail.