Social Sciences & Economics Room

Social Sciences & Economics Room
Social Sciences & Economics Room


Opening Hours:

Monday, Wednesday:   13:00 to 21:00;
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 9:00 to 17:00.

Number of seats : 220 (of these, 1 has PC)

Contact us: 

Telephone: +7 (812) 415-97-12
Address: 165/2, Moskovsky Prospekt, Saint Petersburg

Where to find us: First Floor Plan (collection),
Second Floor Plan (reference librarian).


In the room, you can view items on social sciences and economics, issued over the last 15 years. On the shelves are books on social sciences in general, history, economics, law, jurisprudence, philosophy, psychology, religion, military affairs, military science. The collection housed in the Social Sciences & Economics Room amounts to more than 30 thousand copies.


Location Maps

Reader Registration

Reading Rooms

Floor Plans

Using the Reading Rooms

Food, Drink

Cloakrooms, Storage, Wi-Fi


Book Shop

The Library is open
Monday, Wednesday:   13:00 to 21:00;
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 9:00 to 17:00.

The Library is closed on public holidays and last Tuesday of each month.
On pre-holidays, the Library is open from 9:00 to 16:00.