Reading Rooms

Access to the Library’s world-famous collections and services is through our  reading rooms. We are not a lending library,  so you can view collection items in our reading rooms but not take them home.

Our reading rooms are available to visitors 14 and above years of age. If you wish to use the reading rooms you must register and get a library card.  

We have 32 reading rooms in four buildings. Within the rooms, you can view items from our collections;  get assistance from our qualified specialists; access electronic resources including our online catalogues, digital library, remote subscription resources; use our computers and Internet for free. At our Copy Service Desks, you can photocopy, scan, microfilm collection items and print copies.  Wi-Fi is provided in all rooms.

Main Building


New Building


Building on the Fontanka Embankment



Plekhanov House



Location Maps

Reader Registration

Reading Rooms

Floor Plans

Using the Reading Rooms

Food, Drink

Cloakrooms, Storage, Wi-Fi


Book Shop

The Library is open
Monday, Wednesday:   13:00 to 21:00;
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 9:00 to 17:00.

The Library is closed on public holidays and last Tuesday of each month.
On pre-holidays, the Library is open from 9:00 to 16:00.