Card Catalogues

General Catalogues

  1. The General Author/Title Catalogue (GAC) is the essential reference tool of the Library, which embraces catalogues of publications in Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, and foreign European languages. The General Author/Title Catalogue contains bibliographic entries for items of the main library holdings, including collections having special catalogues (the Central Reference Library, the Zemstvo publications, the Library Science stocks, the Rossica and Polygraphy collections, holdings of the Prints Department and Department of National Literatures).

    The GAC is currently converted to electronic form by scanning cards.

    The Library also provides a GAC copy on microfiches.

    Russian books published from 1980 also can be found in the NLR ELECTRONIC CATALOGUE that offers search by author and corporate body name, title, subject heading and some other search terms.

    1.1. The General Author/Title Catalogue of Russian Books

    Time span: it covers items published in Russian from 1725 to the present day. The catalogue comprises entries for books, periodicals and serials, graphics and cartographic publications, standards and other technical documents, dissertation abstracts, microfilms etc. The catalogue includes some records for books that are missing in the Library, marked by "Desiderata" (Latin: "things desired"). Early-printed and Old Slavonic books, publications in Braille, music, maps (sheets) and newspapers are excluded (see catalogued of the special departments).

    The catalogue is sorted alphabetically according to the names of authors or titles. The catalogue comprises over 7,5 million cards.

    The scanned copy of GAC is also available online.

    1.2. The General Author/Title Catalogue of Ukrainian Books

    The catalogue was launched in 1931. It covers the period from the late 18th century to the present. Contains bibliographic records for books, periodicals and serials, graphics, standards and technical documents, abstracts of dissertations, microfilms. The catalogue is sorted alphabetically according to the names of authors or titles. The catalogue contains over 266 thousand cards.

    1.3. The General Author/Title Catalogue of Byelorussian Books

    The catalogue was launched in 1931. It covers the period from the mid-19th century to the present. Contains bibliographic records for books, periodicals and serials, graphics, standards and technical documents, abstracts of dissertations, microfilms. The catalogue is sorted alphabetically according to the names of authors or titles. The catalogue includes about 384 thousand cards.

    1.4. The General Author/Title Catalogue of Books in Foreign European Languages

    The catalogue was launched in 1931. It covers the period from 1501 to the present. Contains bibliographic records for books, periodicals and serials, graphics, standards and technical documents, abstracts of dissertations, microfilms. The catalogue comprises 1,875,600 cards. The catalogue is sorted alphabetically according to the names of authors or titles in five sets:

    • in Bulgarian
    • in Macedonian
    • in Serbo-Croatian (Cyrillic alphabet)
    • in Finnish
    • in other European languages together


  2. General Author/Title Catalogue of Periodicals


    2.1. General Author/Title Catalogue of Periodicals and Serials in Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian

    The catalogue was launched in 1919. It covers the period from 1728 to the present. The Catalogue contains bibliographic records for journals, serials and microfilms in Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian. The catalogue comprises 512 thousand cards. The catalogue is sorted alphabetically according to the names of authors or titles.

    2.2. General Author/Title Catalogue of Periodicals and Serials in Foreign European Languages

    The catalogue was launched in 1932. It covers the period from 1501 to the present. The Catalogue contains bibliographic records for journals, serials and microfilms in foreign European Languages. The catalogue is sorted alphabetically according to the names of authors or titles in three sets:

    • in Roman languages
    • in Greek
    • in Cyrillic languages

    The catalogue contains 350 thousand cards.


  3. General Classified Catalogue

    In three parts.

    Part 1. The catalogue was launched in 1931. Time span: since 1725 for publications in Russian; from the earliest civil publications of the late 18th - early 19th-centuries for the Ukrainian and Byelorussian items; from the 16th century for publications in foreign European languages. The catalogue contains 9 million cards.

    The catalogue comprise details for books, journals and serials, graphics, standards and other technical documents, dissertation abstracts, microforms etc.

    The catalogue is arranged using the NLR original bibliographic classification schemes.

    Part 2. The catalogue was launched in 1812. It covers the period from 1825 to 1909. The catalogue contains 255.162 cards. The Catalogue contains bibliographic records for books and periodicals published in Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian, divided into the following sections: Russian history (pre-revolutionary period), Russian law, religion, economics, medicine, natural sciences, fiction, arts, library science, book studies, periodicals, books and printing, education, military science, auxiliary historical disciplines. The catalogue is arranged using the NLR original classification schemes.

    Part 3. The catalogue was launched in 1812. It covers the period from the 16th century to 1928. The catalogue contains 791.298 cards. The Catalogue contains bibliographic records for books and periodicals published in Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian, divided into the following sections: philosophy, psychology, history, law, religion, natural sciences, geography, medicine, linguistics, pedagogy, education, fiction, arts, library science, science studies, book studies, printing trades, astronomy, mathematics, mechanics, chemistry and military science. The catalogue is arranged using the NLR original classification schemes.


  4. Subject Catalogue

    The catalogue was launched in 1928. It covers the period from the 1928 to 2005.

    The catalogue consists of two sets:

    • Subject catalogue for publications in Russian from 1931.
    • Subject catalogue for publications in foreign European languages from 1928.

    Both sets are sorted alphabetically according to the subject headings in Russian.

    Russian books published from 1980 also can be found in the NLR ELECTRONIC CATALOGUE that offers search by author, title, subject heading and some other search terms.

    The subject catalogue embraces bibliographic records for books, periodicals, serials, standards and technical documents, abstracts of dissertations, microfilms, together with a reference system.

    The subject catalogue contains about 5 million cards.

    There is an aid resource - the Subject Card File that consists of subject headings and references and includes over 1 million 200 thousand cards. In addition, it is currently available in electronic format (the NLR Subject Authority File).



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