National Literatures. Brief Summary

Collection Holder:

Department of National Literatures

Time Span:

from 1623 to the present


1 318 994 items in 112 languages (for 01.01.2019).
These include: 919661 books; 327 850 volumes of journals and serials; 70 628 annual sets of newspapers; over 10 thousand non-literal materials; 855 microforms.


The Department of National Literatures stores publications in more than one hundred non-Slavic languages of Russia, the Baltic countries and the Near Abroad (the former USSR) from the 17th century to the present. Due to the legal deposit copy, the Library has the largest collection of printed works in Russia. The collection is universal both in the types and genres. The most valuable part of the collection consists of early printed books, rare pre-revolutionary editions of Finno-Ugric peoples, books in the languages of small peoples of the Russian Federation. Special attention should be paid to the richest collection of pre-revolutionary newspapers in national languages.

Description of the Collection

Reading Rooms:

National Literatures Room (165/2, Moskovsky Pr.)

Shelf Marks:

The items from the Department of National Literatures are held at the NLR shelfmarks beginning 'ОНЛ'.

Other holdings containing publications of the same type: