Collection Holder:
Plekhanov House
Time Span:
from the second half of the 18th century to the present: from the 18th to 20th centuries – Russian and Western handwritten, printed and photo documents; from the 20th to 21nd centuries – handwritten, printed and photo documents as well as newsreels and electronic documents.
Nore than 30 thousand items (for 01.01.2019). Including: - more than 19 thousand manuscript documents, - 8317 printed publications (G. Plekhanov Library); - over 12 thousand electronic documents.
Today the Plekhanov House comprises 35 thousand items from 40 archives and G. Plekhanov's private library. They include: handwritten separate documents, personal archives, printed publications and electronic documents connected with the history of social thought, domestic and international labor movements. The basis of the collection is G. Plekhanov's archive. Description of the Collection
Reading Rooms:
Plekhanov House Reading Room (1/33, 4th Krasnoarmeyskaya Street)
Online Catalogues:
Books from the Plekhanov House Collection are listed in the ELECTRONIC CATALOGUE For information on the availability of documents, send an inquiry through e-mail and call by pone (812) 316-74-11
Shelf Marks:
The Plekhanov House items dated before 1923 are held at the NLR shelfmarks : Ф.1093. Оп.7. Ед.хр. В.4315/2; ДЗ/121; РП/9 (F.1093. Op.7. Item B.4315/2; DZ/121; RP/9 Modern shelfmarks begin with 'Ф-158' ('F-158').
Full-text resources:
G. Plekhanov's Works (in Russian) Online Exhibitions (in Russian)
Other holdings containing publications of the same type:
Almost all editions of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin printed in the authors' lifetimes are held in the Russian Books stock, in the Founders of Marxism-Leninism Collection
Plekhanov House Collection
Plekhanov House. Brief Summary