Trutnev Library

The Trutnev family library was donated to the NLR in 1958 as a single collection. It contains about 6 thousand copies of books and magazines published in Russian and Western European languages from the end of the nineteenth century to 1957.

This is one of the few collections of our Library, preserved as a separate collection, not dispersed within various stocks. The books of the collection are duplicates of general holdings. They are not listed in the Library catalogues, but the good condition of items allowes librarians to show the best copies at exhibitions.

Mikhail Trutnev
Mikhail Trutnev
<em>Voyage Round the World</em> by Jacques Arago
Voyage Round the World by Jacques Arago
Children's Book from the Trutnev Library
Children's Book from the Trutnev Library
<em>History of Leningrad</em> from the Trutnev Library
History of Leningrad from the Trutnev Library
Drawing from the Trutnev Library
Drawing from the Trutnev Library
<em>Arctic Explorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition In Search of Sir John Franklin</em>  by  Elisha Kent Kane</em>
Arctic Explorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition In Search of Sir John Franklin by Elisha Kent Kane
