Prints & Photographs. Brief Summary

Collection Holder:

Prints & Photographs Department 

Time Span:

from 15 cent. onwards


1 170 085 items (for 01.01.2022),
separate items number over 800 tousands; private archives and collections comptise more than 200 tousand items; graphic materials – over 1 million 200 tousand items; books – more than 30 tousand items.


The Prints holdings comprise Russian and foreign artworks as well as art and photo albums and books on fine arts. Single-sheet publications include engravings, photographs, posters, reproductions etc. Albums, both printed and engraved, lithographed or photographic, are the most demanded items among visitors.
The holdings also contain catalogues of art exhibitions and museum collections.  

Description of the Prints & Photographs Department Collections

Reading Rooms:

Prints & Photographs Room (1/3, Ostrovsky Square)

Online Catalogues :

General Author/ Title Catalogue of Books in Russian (1725–1998)
If you have not found publications, you can get information about their availability by e-mail:

Shalf Marks:

The Prints & Photographs Department's publications are held at the NLR shelfmarks beginning with 'Э'. For instance, Э ПлИр750/6–7; Э АлИс590/2–Р492.

Other holdings containing publications of the same type:

Instructive-methodical and educational posters, all kinds of safety posters, art calendars are stored in the Printed Ephemera Collection.
Art albums, photo albums and catalogues of art exhibitions in the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Near Abroad, as well as in the Asian and African languages, are held, respectively, in the stocks of National Literatures and in the Asian and African Collection.
Artworks included in personal manuscript collections are housed in the Manuscripts Department.


Prints & Photographs Collections

Prints & Photographs. Brief Summary

